Peace Pulse Network, in collaboration with the esteemed Queen Mother of Mafi-Sasekpe, Mama Klebetesi III, has taken a significant step towards improving healthcare services in the community. On April 9th, 2023, a computer was donated to the Sasekpe Clinic to streamline record-keeping and enhance efficiency.
Prior to this generous donation, the clinic relied on traditional methods for patient record-keeping, which often proved to be time-consuming and prone to errors. With the new computer, the clinic can now implement modern record-keeping practices, ensuring accurate and accessible patient information.
In addition to the computer donation, Mama Klebetesi III recognized the invaluable contributions of teachers and nurses to the community by presenting them with personalized gifts. This gesture highlighted the importance of their work in shaping the future of the community.
Furthermore, the Queen Mother demonstrated her commitment to improving healthcare access by renewing the expired National Health Insurance cards of the elderly in the community. This initiative ensures that the elderly population can continue to receive affordable healthcare services.
This collaborative effort between Peace Pulse Network and Mama Klebetesi III underscores the power of community partnerships in driving positive change. By providing essential tools and resources, they have empowered the Sasekpe Clinic to better serve its patients and contribute to the overall well-being of the community.